Reports from Apple and Google indicate that there has been a dramatic increase in the last year in the number of requests by the US government for user account details. Requests To Google Hits Six-Year High Requests to Google are reported to have reached a six-year high in the in[…]
EC Pushes Tech Companies To Remove Hate
Technology companies are coming under renewed pressure, this time from the European Commission (EC), to take measures to rid their platforms of hate speech and terrorist materials, or face the threat of legislation. Propaganda Surge According to the EC, despite a recent increase in the amount of terrorist propaganda, xenophobic[…]
UK Moves To Subscription Economy
A recent YouGov survey of more than 2,000 people in the UK, sponsored by subscription software firm Zuora has revealed that the average monthly spend by UK adults on subscription services of all kinds has tripled in the past year. Why? A challenging global economy, fierce competition, disruption and changes[…]
E-Currency A Real Possibility For Sweden
A year after launching an investigation into the viability of introducing an e-currency, Sweden’s central bank looks likely to introduce the ‘e-krona’ as a government-guaranteed means of payment and a digital complement to cash. Why? In November last year, Sweden’s central Riksbank, which had been the first to issue paper[…]
We are looking for an Engineer to join our team
Due to expansion IT West are looking for a new engineer to join our team. IT Infrastructure Engineer Salary: £18 – 22,000 Introduction IT West Limited have provided IT Infrastructure services to small and medium businesses throughout Cornwall since 2004. Our services involve the design, supply, implementation, management[…]
20 Billion Cyber Attacks Per Day
Live Cyber Attack Map

The support for XP machines has now ended
The support for XP machines has now ended and the security breaches are already starting to creep in – if you are running a Business you may want to consider an upgrade. The link below to an article explains the breach and what you can do initially to keep yourself[…]

GameOver Zeus & CryptoLocker
£16 million has already been stolen. Over 250,000 computers have already been infected worldwide! (The Independent) GameOver Zeus is a piece of malware that infects your computer and can start to transmit data to third parties. It is specifically designed to take data such as passwords, bank information, credit card[…]

Soak Soak – Russian Malware Attack Effects WordPress Websites
WordPress is a content management system for over 70 million sites. The malware only affects “Self-hosted” websites that use WordPress. Personal blogs on do not appear to be affected at this stage. The plug in has several vulnerabilities, one of them allows anyone to upload a theme onto the[…]