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News from IT West

IT News Update

Meltdown and Spectre … Urgent!

Two major security flaws which are present in nearly all modern processors / microchips mean that most computerised devices are potentially vulnerable to attack, including all iPhones, iPads and Macs.


‘Ripple’ Takes Second Place To Bitcoin

As investors look for alternatives to the volatile bitcoin bubble, crypto-currency Ripple has become the second most valuable virtual cash system, followed by ethereum and litecoin.


Abominable Apps At Google Play. (i.e. Malware)

Security researchers have discovered 36 fake and malicious apps for Android that can harvest your data and track your location, masquerading as security tools in the trusted Google Play Store.


Cloud Companies The Next Big Target For Ransomware

The latest Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Review has predicted that ransomware targeting cloud services will be one of the biggest cyber-crime threats of this year.


Are Screens Causing Short-Sightedness In Young People?

With increasing levels of short-sightedness among young people, some experts have concluded that a young life spent looking at small screens rather than in the great outdoors could be one explanation for it.


Tech Tip – Currency Converter In The Calculator

If you haven’t already spotted it, the Windows 10 Fall Creators update from last year means that a helpful currency converter is built into the calculator on a Windows 10 PC.z
